Discovering a Need
Founded in 1985 by Rosemary Jensen and other like-minded leaders, the Rafiki Foundation has been serving in Africa for over 35 years. Rafiki’s mission is to Train Africans to Transform Africa for Christ. This is accomplished by caring for and educating orphans and impoverished children; providing the Rafiki Bible Study, the Rafiki Classical Christian Curriculum (Rafiki Education System TM), and teacher training through the Rafiki Institute of Classical Education (RICE) to African partner denominations and others; and marketing the handcrafts of impoverished church women and widows.
When Rafiki began caring for orphans, we realized the great need for excellent education that glorified God and equipped the children of the Church. We have developed the Rafiki Classical Christian Curriculum over 18 years to craft an academically and biblically robust educational system, and we are pleased to now share it with you. |
Quality Materials
We have fashioned two complementary and integrated tools to accomplish our goals—the Rafiki Bible Study and the Rafiki Classical Christian Curriculum--for use in our Rafiki Schools and African partner denomination church schools, providing children and teachers with exemplary biblical and educational materials.
Bible StudyCrafted by world-renowned theologians,
the Rafiki Bible Study covers all 66 books of the Bible, week by week, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Written for various age levels, this Bible Study is foundational to Rafiki’s educational philosophy. With a deep knowledge of God, students are taught to cherish His creation and glorify Him with their hearts and minds. |
The Rafiki Classical Christian Curriculum (RCCC) is a full-orbed educational system anchored in a biblical world view, taught through age-appropriate pedagogical styles, tied to the chronological flow of history, and for the purpose of forming men and women well-spoken and well-equipped to promote the flourishing of the next generation. Its content spans the full range of the liberal arts—grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy.
From PreK-12th grade, Rafiki’s curriculum integrates key academic subjects, focusing on the great books of Western civilization that nurtured the great minds across the generations who sought answers to the questions of the Great Conversation: Who is God of the gods?
Who is man? Where did we come from? How do I relate to God, men, and Creation? Most significantly, the RCCC is built on the foundation of God’s Word. Students’ minds and affections are fostered to consider what is true, good, and beautiful. The Rafiki Classical Christian Curriculum is applicable for both traditional school and homeschool settings. |